Welcome to The Naked Satanist. I am your host Rev. Jeff Ivins. Today I will be going over how I became a nudist/naturist and also a Satanist. Then we will cover the topic of some other aspects of me and how it pertains to Satanism and how I see the political landscape.

First off about me as a Satanist. Like several people I know who are members of the Church Of Satan, we read The Satanist Bible in high school. Instead of discovering it via a book store visit, it was handed to me by a fellow classmate in the 10th Grade. I read the TSB in one night and knew it was describing me and my traits. Of course I handed it back to the girl who had opened my eyes to a bigger/better view of myself.

After joining the US Navy in 1987, and got to my first command, I had purchased my own copy of TSB and have it to this day. I re-read it, usually about once a year. I have gotten more into reading the Church Of Satan cannon as time went along. When I got to my second ship, I had found an ad for a Naturist/Nudist group based in Florida. I had always hated wearing clothes and had my interest peaked by the ad. Over time I would help for a now defunct group in 1994, which after I left, folded. I have been a member of several other groups since 1990 and am currently a member of two organizations. I still hate wearing clothes.

Though I was a Satanist, I did not join the Church Of Satan until much later, when I felt the time was right. During that time, I had married a “converted” Mormon and had two children. After being divorced from my now ex-wife, I got involved with someone who had become my soulmate.

At first, he didn’t understand what Satanism was about, until much later. I went and started trying to meet others who called themselves Satanists and see how I would fit in. I got involved with podcasting with RadioFreeSatan, which started about 2002. I would host several musical shows and still do to this day. In about 2010, I officially joined the Church Of Satan and even sent in my active application. After I got my citizenship as a member of the Alien Elite, I would wear my Baphoment with pride. I attended the first Devil’s Reign with my “hubby”, as I called him after a few years of us being together, though we weren’t “officially” married. He was amazed by the knowledge and mannerisms of everyone that there. He even was pleasantly shocked at our High Priest Peter H. Gilmore and his wife High Priestess Peggy Nadramia being so cordial with non-members.

We didn’t go to another Devil’s Reign until the 50th anniversary of TSB, but that is when my hubby started to understand why Satanism meant that much to me from listening to several of the speakers that weekend. During that weekend, I was wanting to Satanic wedding, but things didn’t line up in time, though HP Peter H Gilmore did send us Wedding Blessing to us after that Devil’s Reign.

As time went along, I would be elevated to my current position as Priest in the Church. One of the honors I have had the pleasure of obtaining. Then when my “hubby” died in March of 2024, the only card of sympathy cardI got was from our High Priest and High Priestess.

Moving on to why I started this podcast. I was urged by our High Priest to do a podcast based on my interest in Nudism/Naturism and Satanism. I did a total of six episodes for RadioFreeSatan before I ran out of material to discuss. After a time from when I stopped doing it on RadioFreeSatan until now, I wanted to do a free-form talk about Naturism, Satanism, and from my view of the world. Not every show will have information about Naturism, but from time to time I will have information about what is going on with it. I told Magister Gene to take down those episodes of The Naked Satanist from RadioFreeSatan and I would go it alone on it. I will still be doing The Metro on RadioFreeSatan for the long haul, but need to express myself more.

So to anyone listening, thank you for tuning in and giving this Priest a soapbox to discuss things at. I will be starting to talk about the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo after the break, but if you have an idea for a topic for me to discuss, please email me at jeff@nakedsatanist.com

Welcome back. I want to discuss the topics of the USS Liberty and USS Pueblo. Most people listening do not know of these ships and the carnage they went through.

Starting with the USS Liberty, people wonder why I am not so pro-Israel as most. Israel and the United States have been allies for decades. However, during the 1967 Six-Day War, a conflict in which the U.S. vowed to remain neutral, Israel launched a devastating strike on a U.S. naval vessel in international waters. Thirty-four were killed, 171 injured, and the ship suffered severe damage. Both countries officially labeled the attack an accident, but questions have surrounded the event ever since.

Some veterans of the USS Liberty and other investigators reached a different conclusion. They believe that the Liberty was deliberately attacked and that both the U.S. and Israel covered it up in a hasty investigation. They point to several holes in the official story based on the published reports and declassified communications.

In the days leading up to the attack, Israeli officials claim that they repeatedly warned U.S. ships to steer clear of the coast because any unidentified ships would automatically be considered hostile. American naval and government officials claim that no inquiries were made about the position of American ships until after the attack on the Liberty.

Israeli pilots who flew over the Liberty during the reconnaissance and the attack claim that they did not see any identifying markings on the ship. Liberty crew members maintain that the ship’s designation as an American vessel was plain by her hull markings and that the American flag was flying at full mast when the aerial attack began. Visual confirmation by the Israelis also suggested that the Liberty looked very similar to the Egyptian ship El Quseir. You could clearly see the difference between the vessels.

The Israeli torpedo boats believed that the ship was a combat vessel because they tracked it at a speed of 28 knots. The Liberty’s top speed was well below that, and its standard cruising speed during signal work was close to 5 knots.

Records indicate that Israeli Naval Operations ordered the torpedo boats to halt to the attack because the target had been incorrectly identified. The commander of the torpedo boat division claimed that he never received the order, although the deputy commander testified to having relayed the halt order to him.

The USS Pueblo is probably more known then the USS Liberty, since it was a known spy ship. On January 23, 1968, the USS Pueblo, a Navy intelligence vessel, is engaged in a routine surveillance of the North Korean coast when it is intercepted by North Korean patrol boats. According to U.S. reports, the Pueblo was in international waters almost 16 miles from shore, but the North Koreans turned their guns on the lightly armed vessel and demanded its surrender. At first the captured crew of the Pueblo resisted demands they sign false confessions, famously raising their middle fingers at the camera and telling the North Koreans it was the “Hawaiian good-luck sign.” Once the North Koreans learned the truth, they punished the prisoners with beatings, cold temperatures and sleep deprivation, according to a lawsuit some of the Pueblo’s crew would later file against the North Korean government. On December 23, 1968, exactly 11 months after the Pueblo‘s capture, U.S. and North Korean negotiators reached a settlement to resolve the crisis. Under the settlement’s terms, the United States admitted the ship’s intrusion into North Korean territory, apologized for the action, and pledged to cease any future such action. That day, the surviving 82 crewmen walked one by one across the “Bridge of No Return” at Panmunjon to freedom in South Korea. They were hailed as heroes and returned home to the United States in time for Christmas.

Incidents between North Korea and the United States continued in 1969, and in April 1969 a North Korean MiG fighter shot down a U.S. Navy intelligence aircraft, killing all 31 men aboard. In 1970, quiet returned to the demilitarized zone.

Now I am not saying we should not support Israel, but their amount of lying and the cover up with the US Government is word of warning. I will never trust either government knowing what is in the public domain. Even China can not be trusted after one of their MIGs caused an EP-3E to make an emergency landing at a Chinese military base. The crew were returned and the plane, less the surveillance equipment. Most people don’t believe it, but the EP-3E was completely dismantled before being returned. We also never got a good enough apology from the Chinese government over that either.

Why does these stories matter to me? Well I worked in the intelligence field back in my time with the US Navy. These deaths or injuries could have been me. Now I don’t care who is sitting in the White House, but someone should demand apologies from all countries, especially from our so-called ally, Israel. I know the Chinese and North Korean governments wouldn’t do it. Hell the North Koreans still refuse to return the USS Pueblo to us. Using it as a propaganda to their citizens.

Any questions or comments again can be sent to me at jeff@nakedsatanist.com and I will reply.

Stand by for more informative episodes of The Naked Satanist, and be sure to like us on YouTube and on Facebook to keep up-to-date on when a new podcast has been produced.

Remember this is your host, Rev. Jeff Ivins
Hail Thyself!
And Hail Satan!